Teens and teen-friendly orgs can use this page to get ideas for their own film project.

This video playlist shows different types of formats, or styles of short films we’ve made with teens. A lot of them are funny. We like funny.

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You can make a music video…

You would have to write the song, and music, and record it before we film, but it can be amazing. This usually takes more workshops to develop. These guys made a rap battle.

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You can make a TV or movie “parody”…

You can pick a popular TV show or movie that you and your peers know and make a parody of it, which is a funny imitation of something. I feel like everybody knows this show.

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You can make a fictional story…

Anything you make that features fictional characters is called a narrative, or just a story. Stories don’t need to be long – they can be told in 30 seconds, or 5 minutes. There are lots of ways to make a story. This one is about a minute, and about a girl and buds.

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Make a commercial parody…

You can pick a popular commercial that you and your peers know, and make a parody – which is a funny imitation of the commercial. Guess what this is a parody of.

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You can make a pharmaceutical commercial parody…

You know those commercials where they talk about some drug with a crazy name like Turphonzanol or something? Then they go through a list of side effects while they show a couple of 60 year olds picking up their grandchildren in a field of daisies? Those are classics, because they haven’t really changed in decades, so everyone gets it immediately. This one is an oldie, but a goodie, and still funny and honest.

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You can make a Q & A video…

Anything that features a question that someone on camera answers is a Q & A. Sometimes the question is put on screen, sometimes it’s read out loud. One person can answer all of them, or several people can answer them. The fun is, people ask all kinds of things when it’s anonymous.

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A documentary is just a story that’s told by real people. The trick is to make it interesting! But that can be done easily when you talk about stuff like sex, use fun music, and use interesting visuals. This one is also very emotional, and makes you feel a way that stays with you. It’s also surprising to most people.

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Get creative and make it unique…

This one shows a bunch of ways to ask for consent…

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Make a piece with no dialogue at all…

You can make a story that doesn’t need any words to make the point. It’s easier, and more emotional than you might think. This one shows how Instagram can take over your life with just music and images.

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You can make a parody of a popular internet meme…

This video, “Sh*t gay guys say” is a parody of a funny video called “Sh*t girls say..” that went viral a few years ago.

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You can do a fake reality show…

Just not this one. Please. I can’t. Nothing to click here cuz no one has done this yet, so…You could be the first!

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You can make a news parody…

This just in! You can make a “fake” news show where you “report” on any topic you want… Think Jon Stewart, or SNL’s Weekend Update. Maybe you don’t know what those are, but you get this idea…

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YouTube “Influencer” parody…

You can pretend you are an Instagram or YouTube celebrity talking into your webcam and explaining something (like a makeup tutorial), or complaining about something, or showing someone how to do something (like how to dance if you’re white). The video can be edited with a graphic that “frames” the person like it’s on YouTube or Instagram.